

Story telling is key and being part of a story has always been exciting for me. I have been fortunate to work in theatre, tv, and commercials. This work has been fun and fulfilling. Whether it’s Shakespeare or a cell phone commercial, I am grateful for the people I have met and the relationships I have built from my acting work. As an actor I rely heavily on my Meisner-based technique, which I love sharing as a coach and teacher. I am currently working with colleague and collaborator, Kevin Otos, on a book on this particular approach which is slated to be published by Routledge in 2021.


George C. Wolfe said directing is preparing the perfect play for the perfect audience. From the process of conceiving a production with a creative team to the rehearsal and preview process, directing in theatre is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had. Whether it is creating content for a corporate or non-profit organization, or mounting a play, directing has taught me about acting and helped me develop a more specific artistic aesthetic.


Teaching is simply my favorite thing to do. When I was starting my career as an actor, I couldn’t have imagined finding the kind of fulfillment I experience training the next generation of actors. The apprenticeship model of the regional theatre that I experienced as a young actor have shaped my own teaching philosophy and I love to be a part of handing down the craft of acting and performing to the next generation and seeing the innovations they make which move this craft into the future.

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About Me

Thank you for stopping by! 

You will quickly discover that I love teaching acting and working as an actor and director. I am passionate about empowering others to communicate and create their own work. 

Most importantly, I'm a wife, a mother and a friend. I always try to approach life as a curious beginner. This approach bleeds into my writing and creative endeavors. I hope you will follow my blog and join the creative conversation.